Physician and Health Coach.

I help professionals optimize their health. Lose weight.  Overcome being tired all the time. Manage Stress.

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Optimize Your Health

Unlock the key to a healthier you with an executive personalized health coaching. 

Do you want to:

  • Improve your energy levels and stamina throughout the day?
  • Enhance your mental clarity, concentration, focus, and overall mental agility?
  • Boost your metabolism in easy practical steps?
  • Optimize your overall health?
  • Lose weight and keep it off permanently?
  • Be sure of what is the best diet and nutritional support you require?
  • Get seasoned unbiased advice or second opinion on your specific health concern?
  • Get a one-on-one coaching to help you deal with your particular chronic health challenge? 

You have come to the right place. Dr. Edema is a Family Physician with specialist interest in weight loss and obesity, nutritional medicine, chronic pain and women's health. We work hard with you to help you optimize your health. We work with private clients from around the globe. 

What We Do

Weight Loss Help

Stop the cycle of weight loss and weight gain for good.

We will help you get to the root of your weight issue by providing a one-on-one assessment of your overall health to help us understand why you may be overweight. 

We will order necessary blood tests to establish your current metabolic profile and then tailor what we learn about your health to create a personalized weight loss plan for you. 

Follow our 6-weeks weight loss plan and see the difference. You will get expert support all the way until you reach your desired weight loss goal. No. We don't leave it to you after that. You provide support to you to ensure you maintain your new weight. 

Women's Health Consult

Are you looking for help with problems with menstruation, dealing with PCOS, PMS, endometriosis, abnormal uterine bleeding to menopausal problems, and more, get in touch.

We are passionate about women's health. 

General Medical Issues

Suffering with diabetes, hypertension, celiac disease, irritable bowel syndrome or any chronic illness? You can get ongoing support we provide. 

Nutritional Medicine

According to the World Health Organization, 90 to 95 percent of cancers are preventable, and 30% of all cancers can be traced to the food we eat. 

Heart diseases, obesity, type 2 diabetes, kidney diseases and some fertility issues are all traceable to our diet and nutrition. 

With so many nutrition experts out there, it could be a challenge to know what exactly to eat to stay healthy or indeed reverse many chronic health conditions. 

From hypertension to diabetes, arthritis, polycystic ovarian syndrome, obesity, gastro-esophaeal reflux disease, Ehlers Danlos syndrome and more, we can help you with direction on what to eat. 

Chronic Pain Management

Do you suffer with chronic pain? Is it from fibromyalgia? Chronic neck or back pain? Arthritis? 

We will work with you and your physiotherapist and other providers to help you with your pain.

1-on-1 Health Coaching

Let us help you reach your health goals. Sign up for health coaching.

Looking to have a doctor to help support and coach you to reach your health goals?

Or are you seeking a doctor you can reach anytime for guidance on any health related matter? We can help. 

Your Medical Home At Last!

Suppose you find a place where you:

  • Get up-to-date, trusted medical information, 
  • Are able to ask any health related questions, 
  • Get online doctor consultations for non-emergency concerns as well as 
  • Get a one-on-one coaching for any medical challenge?

Wouldn't you visit there more frequently and make it your medical home? 

That is what we want to be for you.

Bookmark us. Come back frequently. Stay connected via our social media channels.

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And you would be making good use of your medical home!

Testimonials and Reviews From Patients

"I have tried losing weight for the past 4 years after getting stuck, despite anything I do. Since our last consultation 4 weeks ago, I have now lost 17.6 pounds! Thank you, Dr Edema for your nutritional advice and prescription"

Katina H, Ontario

"My irritable bowel syndrome is so much better. I wished I found you much sooner"

Suzanne T, Calgary, Alberta

More Reviews >

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